I hate straight plays. They don't have any songs in them. The characters have to actually talk about their feelings and shit, when a dance break would get the job done perfectly well while being much less embarrassing for all involved. Grumble.
Back to work.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sober Train
I spend a lot of time on the Long Island Rail Road and, as such, I am constantly running for trains and dodging random high school acquaintances who somehow always seem to remember significant details of my biography. Sample conversation:
Person I've Never Seen Before In My Life: Oh my god Liz [Surname]! How was Harvard? Do you still play the cello? I heard you went to South Africa awhile back, how was that?I appear to have been inexplicably famous. Or just really, really recognizable (the hair's usually a giveaway).
Me: Hey... you.
Anyway, there is a benefit to my LIRR dependency - namely, the Saturday night 1:42 am train out of Penn Station. Because it is hilarious. Much funnier than the 3:07, by which point everyone's sobered up in an hour of waiting around the train station, the 1:42 provides endless amusement in the form of underage intoxicated persons sharing their wisdom with those fortunate enough to share their train car.
I present you with a rough transcription of the highlight of a recent ride home:
A young man, probably 18, is standing at the head of the car. A half dozen of his friends, representing various levels of consciousness, lie in the surrounding seats. Our hero is singing.
YOUNG MANI shall spare you the remainder of his song, for it would be impossible to fairly transcribe his truly impressive feats of "making six words fit in the the space of one". Suffice to say, after several minutes, he ran out of the song, and began extemporizing instead. I wasn't ever quite able to hear the responses from his more lungpower-deficient companions - our hero, however, never failed to maintain a more than satisfactory volume.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Eeeven thooough I'm a Jeeeew!
You didn't know I was Jewish? Oh man I am so Jewish. I don't believe any of that shit though, like the God stuff.
Yeah, that's right, I'm an atheist. Total atheist. Ayyyyyyyyyyyy...theist. I like being neutral, you know? I don't just pick a side to be controversial or whatever, I look at both sides of an issue. I don't wanna say I'm a Republican or a Democrat, I'm neutral, i'm an Independent. And I'm not religious, I'm an atheist, cuz I'm fucking neutral.
My religion has a first name, it's A - T - I - E - "Est"!
What? Oh yeah, of course I believe in God. Whatever. I just don't care about that religion shit, because it's shit! I don't like picking sides, you know? I don't, like, think there's no god or anything, I just don't want to be part of any religion, so I'm an atheist.
Yes that is what it means! What, is there another word for it?
Yes, "agnostic."
That's it! Thanks man! I love you! I'm totally agnostic!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Resistance is Futile
My sister watched The Next Doctor with me last night [verdict: best thing ever, as long as you don't think about it too much], and was totally floored by the dreaminess of David Tennant, so this afternoon I gave her my dvds so she could give the whole shebang a try.
I walk into her bedroom just now, and she's sitting there with tears streaming down her face.

Me: Jeez, up to Father's Day already?
Sister: No, I just... I can't...
Me: What is it?
Sister: He told Dickens his books are gonna last forever! It's like "and his music just left the solar system"* all over again! Did the real Dickens know?? He knew, right? Tell me Dickens knew!! Oh god the Doctor is amazing. [::cries more::]
Conversion complete. Heehee.
*West Wing, re Blind Willie Johnson
I walk into her bedroom just now, and she's sitting there with tears streaming down her face.
Me: Jeez, up to Father's Day already?
Sister: No, I just... I can't...
Me: What is it?
Sister: He told Dickens his books are gonna last forever! It's like "and his music just left the solar system"* all over again! Did the real Dickens know?? He knew, right? Tell me Dickens knew!! Oh god the Doctor is amazing. [::cries more::]
Conversion complete. Heehee.
*West Wing, re Blind Willie Johnson
Monday, December 22, 2008
I just noticed that in a post a few weeks ago, I wrote the following:
Excerpted from a letter I wrote to Quentin this evening (so, Quentin, don't read this or I'll have wasted 32 cents.)32 cents? Really? What decade am I living in?
The answer is "1995-1998." Seems appropriate, actually. And the price of stamps has gone up a dime in a decade? Well, that explains why y'all aren't getting Christmas cards this year. You know, that and other reasons.
And if I actually did put a 32 cent stamp on that letter to Quentin... well, he should probably pop into his DeLorean to pick it up in 1996 then. And maybe go to a Spice Girls concert while he's there.
[re the stamp in the picture: "Perry! I'm married now!" "Mary Ellen! I'm gay now!" Good times]
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hello, strangers.
I seem to have accumulated a rather significant amount of google traffic, thanks almost entirely to the "ate a violin" post and everyone's internet crush Randall Munroe. I made that post not actually to draw people to my blog - seriously, if that were the intent, I'd have more consistent content round these parts - but because I was curious how many people would read the XKCD blog, search the first term in that post, and then follow through to the resulting links.
The answer: a lot.
Hullo, xkcd fans! ::waves::
And while I'm getting all this random international traffic...
Can anyone recommend a graduate-level dramatic writing program in the U.K.?
I'd like to consider studying in the U.K., but my anglophilia does not extend to the university system and have absolutely no idea how to go about finding good programs. I'm talking to you, random Welsh stranger reading this - if you're thinking "well obviously she knows about the blahdiblah program, but I don't know of anything other than that", then you should leave a comment telling me about the blahdiblah program, because I in fact do not know about it.
In other news, the Doctor Who Christmas special airs in six days. (which is to say, there are six days till Christmas). This is excellent because:
1) new Doctor Who to reward me in the middle of my awful never-ending application slog!
2) spoilers, real actually spoiling-y spoilers, now abound on the internet, which means I have to avoid the internet, which means I am forced to focus on my awful never-ending application slog. Yay?
Hullo, xkcd fans! ::waves::
And while I'm getting all this random international traffic...
Can anyone recommend a graduate-level dramatic writing program in the U.K.?
I'd like to consider studying in the U.K., but my anglophilia does not extend to the university system and have absolutely no idea how to go about finding good programs. I'm talking to you, random Welsh stranger reading this - if you're thinking "well obviously she knows about the blahdiblah program, but I don't know of anything other than that", then you should leave a comment telling me about the blahdiblah program, because I in fact do not know about it.
In other news, the Doctor Who Christmas special airs in six days. (which is to say, there are six days till Christmas). This is excellent because:
1) new Doctor Who to reward me in the middle of my awful never-ending application slog!
2) spoilers, real actually spoiling-y spoilers, now abound on the internet, which means I have to avoid the internet, which means I am forced to focus on my awful never-ending application slog. Yay?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I am writing an awful lot at the moment. This is because grad school apps are due in two weeks. Cue panic.
The first fluff piece I write when I emerge will be a sketch about the Christmas substitute for a minister who has taken the holidays off. The sub will be a Jew. Because Jews always work on Christmas.
The first fluff piece I write when I emerge will be a sketch about the Christmas substitute for a minister who has taken the holidays off. The sub will be a Jew. Because Jews always work on Christmas.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ate a violin
The xkcd blog yesterday featured a list of phrases with no google hits, like "aww, a baby hooker!" and "unlike normal furries." At the top of the list was "ate a violin." How could there be no google hits for violin-eating?!
I sorta feel... jipped? In a way. That radio play I wrote senior year, it featured a space monster that ate a violin. It was a decent little gag. But if only there were a proper description of the radio play on the Pops website (and perhaps then they'd remember to sell it at concerts?), then I could have ever so brief
ly gotten Randall Munroe's attention! Which would be like winning the internet.
Follow-up: Hello, strangers!
I have no pictures of our violin-eating monster, since it was radio, but here's our man-eating viola:
I sorta feel... jipped? In a way. That radio play I wrote senior year, it featured a space monster that ate a violin. It was a decent little gag. But if only there were a proper description of the radio play on the Pops website (and perhaps then they'd remember to sell it at concerts?), then I could have ever so brief

Follow-up: Hello, strangers!
I have no pictures of our violin-eating monster, since it was radio, but here's our man-eating viola:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Another io9 post! Hot Flashes: Ten Uses For Lightning That Ben Franklin Never Guessed
Writing these things is so very bad for me. The instant gratification is like crack! I cannot stop myself from obsessively monitoring the progress of my articles. Thankfully, they've been doing quite well, so it's happy crack, but still crack.
"Do you think you could find a Godzilla menorah for me?" - my editor
Writing these things is so very bad for me. The instant gratification is like crack! I cannot stop myself from obsessively monitoring the progress of my articles. Thankfully, they've been doing quite well, so it's happy crack, but still crack.
"Do you think you could find a Godzilla menorah for me?" - my editor
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