Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ate a violin

The xkcd blog yesterday featured a list of phrases with no google hits, like "aww, a baby hooker!" and "unlike normal furries." At the top of the list was "ate a violin." How could there be no google hits for violin-eating?!

I sorta feel... jipped? In a way. That radio play I wrote senior year, it featured a space monster that ate a violin. It was a decent little gag. But if only there were a proper description of the radio play on the Pops website (and perhaps then they'd remember to sell it at concerts?), then I could have ever so briefly gotten Randall Munroe's attention! Which would be like winning the internet.

Follow-up: Hello, strangers!

I have no pictures of our violin-eating monster, since it was radio, but here's our man-eating viola:


  1. Of course, you realise, that now this blog, this site, this very page, is the number one result for a google search of "ate a violin."

    You fool! You fool!
    Or, perhaps this is intentional.

  2. I'd noticed as much, yes. Go figure. I should probably make the rest of the blog more interesting to match, but... eh.

  3. I only got here BECAUSE it's the #1 hit on google for "ate a violin".

  4. So did I.

    You cunning man.

  5. Careful, this may start the 1st 'Internet Sensation' of 2009...

    Or have my words just implicitly done that?

