Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Philharmonic drinking game

What could possibly make the Philharmonic's concerts in Central Park better? By adding a drinking game, of course!

Every time the audience claps inappropriately (ie, between movements), chug through the length of the applause.

One drink for every time Didi & Oscar Schaffer get a shout-out
...for every fundraising plug
...for every mic glitch

During the pieces, drink when a cell phone rings
...when a cell phone is answered
...when a baby cries
...when someone walks directly across your picnic blanket

In the music, drink whenever there's a false ending
...whenever you can hear the violas
...whenever there's a chromatic scale

If something is repeated three times in the music, drink. This rule actually can increase your appreciation of the music! Tonight's program was Mozart and Beethoven, and it was interesting to keep track of how they each used and manipulated sequences and expectations.

Bonus rule! Drink every time Grace does a prairie dog dance.

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